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更新:2024-10-15 13:42:15




某日,法医柳弈接到一位前辈的求助电话。 前辈早年曾参与过一桩连环凶案的调查,而嫌疑犯却在被捕前自杀了,案子只能就此了结。 但最近新的证据浮出水面——这桩旧案根本没那么简单! 可惜前辈已辞职多年,无法参与调查,只能拜托柳弈帮忙。 然而柳弈去翻查旧案记录的时候,却赫然发现鉴定报告和一批物证竟已丢失。 同时,他也收到了前辈突遭意外而亡的噩耗。 一周后,一个匿名包裹寄到了柳弈手上。 包裹中竟是那份“遗失
推荐阅读: 一秒一点力量,我直接速通玄幻! 摄政王别怕,王妃只是把符画歪了 第一女侯爷 觅南枝 黑皮雷影不是牛头人 这根本不是蓝锁游戏啊 2015:娱乐圈的玩咖巨星 闪婚而已[先孕后爱] 人在奥特:宇宙流浪者 误入恐怖节目,我天师的身份被曝光了
推荐阅读:: 鉴罪者2在线 鉴罪者2 番外 鉴罪者2晋江手机 鉴罪者2第二部叫什么名字 鉴罪者2百度网盘 鉴罪者2小说在线全文阅读 鉴罪者赢川是不是好人 鉴罪者2全文无删减 鉴罪者2百度网盘资源 鉴罪者2晋江手机专栏 鉴罪者赢川真实身份 鉴罪者车 鉴罪者补车 鉴罪者电视剧 鉴罪者2 百度云 鉴罪者2 鉴罪者赢川是坏人吗 鉴罪者讲的什么 鉴罪者2详细版 鉴罪者2第二季 鉴罪者2格格党 鉴罪者2小说笔趣阁 鉴罪者2百度网盘提取码 鉴罪者2剧透
鉴罪者2完结了吗 最新章节
347 番外三. Mystic River-03(全文完)
346 番外三. Mystic River-02
345 番外三. Mystic River-01
344 番外二.The Last Broadcast-07
343 番外二.The Last Broadcast-06
342 番外二.The Last Broadcast-05
341 番外二.The Last Broadcast-04
340 番外二.The Last Broadcast-03
339 番外二.The Last Broadcast-02
338 番外二.The Last Broadcast-01
337 番外一.Singing in the Rain-02
336 番外一.Singing in the Rain-01
全部章节     [打开目录]  [点击倒序]
1 楔子
2 1.face off-01
3 1.face off-02
4 1.face off-03
5 1.face off-04
6 1.face off-05
7 1.face off-06
8 1.face off-07
9 1.face off-08
10 1.face off-09
11 1.face off-10
12 1.face off-11
13 1.face off-12
14 1.face off-13
15 1.face off-14
16 1.face off-15
17 1.face off-16
18 1.face off-17
19 1.face off-18
20 1.face off-19
21 1.face off-20
22 1.face off-21
23 1.face off-22
24 1.face off-23
25 1.face off-24
26 1.face off-25
27 1.face off-26
28 1.face off-27
29 1.face off-28
30 2. mimic-01
31 2. mimic-02
32 2. mimic-03
33 2. mimic-04
34 2. mimic-05
35 2. mimic-06
36 2. mimic-07
37 2. mimic-08
38 2. mimic-09
39 2. mimic-10
40 2. mimic-11
41 2. mimic-12
42 2. mimic-13
43 2. mimic-14
44 2. mimic-15
45 2. mimic-16
46 2. mimic-17
47 2. mimic-18
48 2. mimic-19
49 2. mimic-20
50 2. mimic-21
51 3.triangle-01
52 3.triangle-02
53 3.triangle-03
54 3.triangle-04
55 3.triangle-05
56 3.triangle-06
57 3.triangle-07
58 3.triangle-08
59 3.triangle-09
60 3.triangle-10
61 3.triangle-11
62 3.triangle-12
63 3.triangle-13
64 3.triangle-14
65 3.triangle-15
66 3.triangle-16
67 3.triangle-17
68 4.the cabin in the woods-01
69 4.the cabin in the woods-02
70 4.the cabin in the woods-03
71 4.the cabin in the woods-04
72 4.the cabin in the woods-05
73 4.the cabin in the woods-06
74 4.the cabin in the woods-07
75 4.the cabin in the woods-08
76 4.the cabin in the woods-09
77 4.the cabin in the woods-10
78 4.the cabin in the woods-11
79 4.the cabin in the woods-12
80 4.the cabin in the woods-13
81 4.the cabin in the woods-14
82 4.the cabin in the woods-15
83 4.the cabin in the woods-16
84 4.the cabin in the woods-17
85 4.the cabin in the woods-18
86 4.the cabin in the woods-19
87 4.the cabin in the woods-20
88 4.the cabin in the woods-21
89 4.the cabin in the woods-22
90 4.the cabin in the woods-23
91 4.the cabin in the woods-24
92 4.the cabin in the woods-25
93 4.the cabin in the woods-26
94 5.Mulholland Dr.-01
95 5.Mulholland Dr.-02
96 5.Mulholland Dr.-03
97 5.Mulholland Dr.-04
98 5.Mulholland Dr.-05
99 5.Mulholland Dr.-06
100 5.Mulholland Dr.-07
101 5.Mulholland Dr.-08
102 5.Mulholland Dr.-09
103 5.Mulholland Dr.-10
104 5.Mulholland Dr.-11
105 5.Mulholland Dr.-12
106 5.Mulholland Dr.-13
107 5.Mulholland Dr.-14
108 5.Mulholland Dr.-15
109 5.Mulholland Dr.-16
110 5.Mulholland Dr.-17
111 5.Mulholland Dr.-18
112 5.Mulholland Dr.-19
113 5.Mulholland Dr.-20
114 5.Mulholland Dr.-21
115 5.Mulholland Dr.-22
116 5.Mulholland Dr.-23
117 5.Mulholland Dr.-24
118 5.Mulholland Dr.-25
119 5.Mulholland Dr.-26
120 5.Mulholland Dr.-27
121 5.Mulholland Dr.-28
122 5.Mulholland Dr.-29
123 5.Mulholland Dr.-30
124 5.Mulholland Dr.-31
125 5.Mulholland Dr.-32
126 5.Mulholland Dr.-33
127 5.Mulholland Dr.-34
128 5.Mulholland Dr.-35
129 5.Mulholland Dr.-36
130 5.Mulholland Dr.-37
131 5.Mulholland Dr.-38
132 5.Mulholland Dr.-39
133 5.Mulholland Dr.-40
134 5.Mulholland Dr.-41
135 5.Mulholland Dr.-42
136 5.Mulholland Dr.-43
137 5.Mulholland Dr.-44
138 5.Mulholland Dr.-45
139 5.Mulholland Dr.-46
140 5.Mulholland Dr.-47
141 5.Mulholland Dr.-48
142 6.Insidious-01
143 6.Insidious-02
144 6.Insidious-03
145 6.Insidious-04
146 6.Insidious-05
147 6.Insidious-06
148 6.Insidious-07
149 6.Insidious-08
150 6.Insidious-09
151 6.Insidious-10
152 6.Insidious-11
153 6.Insidious-12
154 6.Insidious-13
155 6.Insidious-14
156 6.Insidious-15
157 6.Insidious-16
158 6.Insidious-17
159 6.Insidious-18
160 6.Insidious-19
161 6.Insidious-20
162 6.Insidious-21
163 6.Insidious-22
164 6.Insidious-23
165 6.Insidious-24
166 6.Insidious-25
167 6.Insidious-26
168 6.Insidious-27
169 6.Insidious-28
170 6.Insidious-29
171 6.Insidious-30
172 6.Insidious-31
173 6.Insidious-32
174 6.Insidious-33
175 6.Insidious-34
176 6.Insidious-35
177 6.Insidious-36
178 6.Insidious-37
179 6.Insidious-38
180 6.Insidious-39
181 6.Insidious-40
182 6.Insidious-41
183 6.Insidious-42
184 7.Cesare Deve Morire-01
185 7.Cesare Deve Morire-02
186 7.Cesare Deve Morire-03
187 7.Cesare Deve Morire-04
188 7.Cesare Deve Morire-05
189 7.Cesare Deve Morire-06
190 7.Cesare Deve Morire-07
191 7.Cesare Deve Morire-08
192 7.Cesare Deve Morire-09
193 7.Cesare Deve Morire-10
194 7.Cesare Deve Morire-11
195 7.Cesare Deve Morire-12
196 7.Cesare Deve Morire-13
197 7.Cesare Deve Morire-14
198 7.Cesare Deve Morire-15
199 7.Cesare Deve Morire-16
200 7.Cesare Deve Morire-17
201 7.Cesare Deve Morire-18
202 7.Cesare Deve Morire-19
203 7.Cesare Deve Morire-20
204 7.Cesare Deve Morire-21
205 7.Cesare Deve Morire-22
206 7.Cesare Deve Morire-23
207 7.Cesare Deve Morire-24
208 7.Cesare Deve Morire-25
209 7.Cesare Deve Morire-26
210 7.Cesare Deve Morire-27
211 7.Cesare Deve Morire-28
212 7.Cesare Deve Morire-29
213 7.Cesare Deve Morire-30
214 7.Cesare Deve Morire-31
215 8.After Life-01
216 8.After Life-02
217 8.After Life-03
218 8.After Life-04
219 8.After Life-05
220 8.After Life-06
221 8.After Life-07
222 8.After Life-08
223 8.After Life-09
224 8.After Life-10
225 8.After Life-11
226 8.After Life-12
227 8.After Life-13
228 8.After Life-14
229 8.After Life-15
230 8.After Life-16
231 8.After Life-17
232 8.After Life-18
233 8.After Life-19
234 8.After Life-20
235 8.After Life-21
236 8.After Life-22
237 8.After Life-23
238 8.After Life-24
239 8.After Life-25
240 8.After Life-26
241 8.After Life-27
242 8.After Life-28
243 8.After Life-29
244 8.After Life-30
245 8.After Life-31
246 8.After Life-32
247 8.After Life-33
248 8.After Life-34
249 8.After Life-35
250 8.After Life-36
251 8.After Life-37
252 8.After Life-38
253 8.After Life-39
254 8.After Life-40
255 8.After Life-41
256 8.After Life-42
257 8.After Life-43
258 8.After Life-44
259 8.After Life-45
260 8.After Life-46
261 8.After Life-47
262 8.After Life-48
263 8.After Life-49
264 8.After Life-50
265 8.After Life-51
266 8.After Life-52
267 8.After Life-53
268 8.After Life-54
269 8.After Life-55
270 8.After Life-56
271 8.After Life-57
272 8.After Life-58
273 9.Premonition-01
274 9.Premonition-02
275 9.Premonition-03
276 9.Premonition-04
277 9.Premonition-05
278 9.Premonition-06
279 9.Premonition-07
280 9.Premonition-08
281 9.Premonition-09
282 9.Premonition-10
283 9.Premonition-11
284 9.Premonition-12
285 9.Premonition-13
286 9.Premonition-14
287 9.Premonition-15
288 9.Premonition-16
289 9.Premonition-17
290 9.Premonition-18
291 9.Premonition-19
292 9.Premonition-20
293 9.Premonition-21
294 9.Premonition-22
295 9.Premonition-23
296 9.Premonition-24
297 9.Premonition-25
298 9.Premonition-26
299 9.Premonition-27
300 9.Premonition-28
301 9.Premonition-29
302 9.Premonition-30
303 9.Premonition-31
304 9.Premonition-32
305 9.Premonition-33
306 9.Premonition-34
307 9.Premonition-35
308 9.Premonition-36
309 9.Premonition-37
310 9.Premonition-38
311 9.Premonition-39
312 9.Premonition-40
313 9.Premonition-41
314 9.Premonition-42
315 9.Premonition-43
316 9.Premonition-44
317 9.Premonition-45
318 9.Premonition-46
319 9.Premonition-47
320 9.Premonition-48
321 9.Premonition-49
322 9.Premonition-50
323 9.Premonition-51
324 9.Premonition-52
325 9.Premonition-53
326 9.Premonition-54
327 9.Premonition-55
328 9.Premonition-56
329 9.Premonition-57
330 9.Premonition-58
331 9.Premonition-59
332 9.Premonition-60
333 9.Premonition-61
334 9.Premonition-62
335 9.Premonition-63(正文完)
336 番外一.Singing in the Rain-01
337 番外一.Singing in the Rain-02
338 番外二.The Last Broadcast-01
339 番外二.The Last Broadcast-02
340 番外二.The Last Broadcast-03
341 番外二.The Last Broadcast-04
342 番外二.The Last Broadcast-05
343 番外二.The Last Broadcast-06
344 番外二.The Last Broadcast-07
345 番外三. Mystic River-01
346 番外三. Mystic River-02
347 番外三. Mystic River-03(全文完)
推荐书目: 重生初中校园:超级女学生 福晋有喜:爷,求不约 神棍夫人:夫君,要听话(卦妃天下) 山村小医农 全球基因 重生招财进宝 重启黄金年代(重生之我是我二大爷) 美女的极品锦衣卫 我真的很有名 重生九零之军妻撩人